It’s officially Spring Break! Today was in-service and I used the day getting all of my persuasive writing pieces graded for the quarter. After reading over 100 writing pieces from my firsties, I must say that I am beyond happy with how my first graders are writing. They are writing organized, detailed, lengthy pieces for every assignment. I credit this success to my writing workshop I designed. It differentiates writing for every learner and allows students to write at their own pace. My teacher partner Staci and I sat down at the beginning of the year and really thought about what the best approach for writing was. We ended up creating this amazing step-by-step process. These are the 8 steps to writing success.
Step 1: Bubble Map (Students write their topic in the middle of the map and then write one idea in each surrounding bubble to tie to their topic. I tell my students that they can only have one word in each bubble or it will pop. This makes them really narrow down their thinking to be precise and succinct. When they finish their bubble map, they color in their 3 best ideas with a yellow crayon or highlighter. These are the three ideas they will expand upon.)
Step 2: T-Chart (Students then grab a T-Chart and begin expanding. They write their 3 words on the left side and then write a sentence out of each word on the right. These will be their three supporting sentences in their writing piece.)
Step 3: Topic and Conclusion Sentence (Students grab 2 green strips of paper. They then write a strong topic sentence on one. Then they write a strong concluding sentence on the other one. For my below students I might give them a sentence starter for these. With my above students, I encourage them to think about their audience and how to best express their voice in these sentences. They are aware that a topic sentence needs to grab the reader’s attention and a concluding sentence should be a strong statement or question that leaves the reader thinking. They glue these strips on the top and bottom of an 8x14 piece of paper.)
Step 4: Big Ideas (Students grab three yellow strips of paper and transfer their three sentences from their T-Chart on them. They then lay them down on their desk and work with the order of these sentences. They think about what seems to flow smoothly together the best. For my below students, I might have them begin all of their sentences the same, then work on sentence fluency as they show growth. For my above students, I give them three red strips in addition, and they write a detail sentence for each supporting sentence.)
Step 5: Thump, Bump, and Finger Space (Students then go over their 8x14 paper and thump each capital and bump each period. Last, they check for correct spacing between each of their words and sentences. My students have little spacemen (made out of clothespins from Really Good Stuff, CLICK HERE) that they use to check for spacing. Having the manipulative really makes them follow through on each step.)
Step 6: Peer Conferencing (Students then find a buddy who is finished to conference with. If a student happens to be done and there is no buddy to conference with I have them read it to me, and I conference with them. During this time, they sit elbow-elbow-knee-knee and look over each other’s writing. They give suggestions and guidance to improve their paper. I love this step the most! I love walking around the room and seeing a student suggest to another that they might want to add an adjective or a detail here or there, or telling a student they missed a capital or that they should have an exclamation mark instead, etc. My students are thinkers, and they really know what qualities and skills a good writer must encompass.)
Step 7: Teacher Conference (Students then bring their 8x14 paper up to my desk. We then look over the piece together and see if there is any changes that need to be made. Sometimes I might suggest a stronger topic sentence or adding more details. A lot of time it’s just me finding a few spelling errors and helping the students sound them out and write them correctly. By the time my students bring me their paper, they have really attempted to polish it up to publishing quality! After I have checked it over, I give them the thumbs-up to begin the final step.)
Step 8: Publish and Illustrate (Students then grab a paper with writing lines and a box for illustration. They look at their 8x14 piece of paper and transfer their writing onto this piece. When they are finished writing, they illustrate their writing in the box. Last, they turn in a fine piece of paper!)
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